Steven Heynderickx wrote on 24 Aug 2009 06:38
I am wondering if the site wikidot packages could use my package. So to who or where can I suggest it. Wouldn't it also be nice to have a testing-area… some kind of incubationplace where a good start can be made, but where refinement can be added by the community of guru's?
I made some pages to generate a popup, and if implemented in the right way, usable to generate a glossary with all the info of the popups.
This package could be usefull for articles that use specific complex words in the text. A reader could hoover the word and the explination becomes visible AND if used with the template, the pageList module can generate a list of all these words with there explination in one page… the glossary…
in action:
For now it is a start… some testing may be done
It's good to start with a sandbox development site as you've done. The best next steps are, I think to announce the idea on the community, and explain what you're aiming to do, and what parts are missing.
Then you want to try to get the technique used in a real case, for example the Handbook, or another site. That will give people ideas about improving it and making it nice and general.
At any point, if you feel what you have is ready to publish, create a package. You can always publish updates to the package.
That's cool, thank you… I'll do my best :-)
A - S I M P L E - P L A N by ARTiZEN a startingpoint for simple wikidot solutions.
Steven, I've added you to the site admins for Integrate it as you like!
If we need a test area, I'd suggest using the packages wiki itself, and changing permissions so that other members of the site can help edit the package. Otherwise, create a live site, invite people to join, and when it's stable, turn into a package. Or, just the sandbox.
I'm not sure what would work best here.
Thanks for the add. I will make a package with installer, but i have to figure it out first. So it will come soon.
A - S I M P L E - P L A N by ARTiZEN a startingpoint for simple wikidot solutions.