Ed Johnson wrote on 19 Sep 2009 06:56
I was working on the photo gallery template to edit the deprecated variables and ran into a problem. I'm using Erich's nifty sortable page list, but the page that sets up the URL parameters doesn't work right because of the space in between the sort order cirteria and "desc". I tried replacing the spaces with %20, but still no joy. Here's the before and after of the page that's broken. I have reverted it back for now until this can be solved.
The page with the issue
Current working code (this is all one long line)
[[table]][[row]][[cell style="{$styleT}"]]//Gallery//[[/cell]][[cell style="{$styleA}"]]//Created by//[[/cell]][[cell style="{$styleE}"]]//Last Edited//[[/cell]][[cell style="{$styleC}"]]//Date Created//[[/cell]][[cell style="{$styleR}"]]//Rating//[[/cell]][[/row]][[row]][[cell style="{$styleT}"]][[size 80%]][/{$page}/order/titleAsc#A_{$anchor} ascending]/[/{$page}/order/titleDesc#A_{$anchor} descending][[/size]][[/cell]][[cell style="{$styleA}"]][[size 80%]] [[/size]][[/cell]][[cell style="{$styleE}"]][[size 80%]][/{$page}/order/dateEditedDesc#A_{$anchor} newest first]/[/{$page}/order/dateEditedAsc#A_{$anchor} oldest first][[/size]][[/cell]][[cell style="{$styleC}"]][[size 80%]][/{$page}/order/dateCreatedDesc#A_{$anchor} newest first]/[/{$page}/order/dateCreatedAsc#A_{$anchor} oldest first][[/size]][[/cell]][[cell style="{$styleR}"]][[size 80%]][/{$page}/order/ratingDesc#A_{$anchor} ▼]/[/{$page}/order/ratingAsc#A_{$anchor} ▲][[/size]][[/cell]][[/row]]
Attempt to replace deprecated arguments and variables
[[table]][[row]][[cell style="{$styleT}"]]//Gallery//[[/cell]][[cell style="{$styleA}"]]//Created by//[[/cell]][[cell style="{$styleE}"]]//Last Edited//[[/cell]][[cell style="{$styleC}"]]//Date Created//[[/cell]][[cell style="{$styleR}"]]//Rating//[[/cell]][[/row]][[row]][[cell style="{$styleT}"]][[size 80%]][/{$page}/order/title#A_{$anchor} ascending]/[/{$page}/order/title%20desc#A_{$anchor} descending][[/size]][[/cell]][[cell style="{$styleA}"]][[size 80%]] [[/size]][[/cell]][[cell style="{$styleE}"]][[size 80%]][/{$page}/order/updated_at%20desc#A_{$anchor} newest first]/[/{$page}/order/updated_at#A_{$anchor} oldest first][[/size]][[/cell]][[cell style="{$styleC}"]][[size 80%]][/{$page}/order/created_at%20desc#A_{$anchor} newest first]/[/{$page}/order/created_at#A_{$anchor} oldest first][[/size]][[/cell]][[cell style="{$styleR}"]][[size 80%]][/{$page}/order/rating%20desc#A_{$anchor} ▼]/[/{$page}/order/rating#A_{$anchor} ▲][[/size]][[/cell]][[/row]]
I'm going to PM the brains behind this code to see if he can help.
After a PM exchange with Erich, it seems my code was fine after all. I think I may have had a caching issue (even though I'm sure I cleared it before reporting the problem). I put my new code back in and now i can't recreate the issue I was having last night. Bottom line is that the sortable list pages is working correctly and all deprecated variables and arguments have been updated.
Community Admin
Glad to hear it's working. Caching sometimes affects page display; more often it's the asynch compilation that creates confusion: when you edit a _template it can take a minute or so for all affected pages to be recompiled.
I like your unique way of showing the code :) I assume that the [[code]] tags can be edited with CSS to make this happen every time, similar to how James edited the > Quote recently?
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
Wikidot: Official Documentation | Wikidot Discord server | NEW: Wikiroo, backup tool (in development)
Yes you just change/add the relevant properties and values to the .code class in your custom CSS.
Rob Elliott - Strathpeffer, Scotland - Wikidot first line support & community admin team.
Thanks, will have a look at that later with firebug :)
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
Wikidot: Official Documentation | Wikidot Discord server | NEW: Wikiroo, backup tool (in development)
I wasn't really that clever. I sometimes bypass the built-in code block and "roll my own", especially when it will be virtually unreadable due to the never-ending horizontal scroll box the normal code block would have created for something like the code I pasted in the opening message in this thread.
Here's what I did:
insert code in here
This can also be handy for adding color or other highlights to your code block, for example:
some code display this as red the rest of the code
Note that @@ … @@ is only good for inline bypassing of the parser. If your code has multiple lines, you need to do @@ … @@ at the start and end of each line.
Community Admin
To wrap the code onto the next line so that the never-ending scrollbar doesn't appear, put this into your CSS:
Rob Elliott - Strathpeffer, Scotland - Wikidot first line support & community admin team.
That's handy to know. Thanks! I'll be implementing that on my open source site. Personally, I think it's easier to copy/paste code that is wrapped.
My "tip" is geared more toward "on the fly" editing to display code in a more controlled manner (and the text highlighting is a bonus too).
Community Admin
Most of you will already know this, but then I don't remember if I ever posted this …
Display code as if [[code]] was used
Sometimes you want to display code without using the [[code]] tag, e. g.
That's possible by using below syntax:
[/test:code/code/n code/n1]
[[include include:test]]
Unlike [[code]], [[div class="code"]] will strip off all leading white-space from lines, thus removing any indentation from the displayed code.
Thank you for posting this Erich. Your timing could not have been much better for me - I have just used this trick, after reading about it here!
This looks nice enough to go into the standard themes. Anyone mind if I do that?
Yes, I would mind! The beauty of the scrollbar is that I know exactly where one line starts and another begins. Word-wrapping makes this ambiguous.
Although, I suppose all I'd have to do to reverse the option with my custom CSS, so ultimately it doesn't matter.
I agree with James — the scrollbar is useful most of the time. It's just that sometimes, I'd prefer this style for one or two of my sites.
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
Wikidot: Official Documentation | Wikidot Discord server | NEW: Wikiroo, backup tool (in development)
No problem.