Use of PagesByTag by in Iron Giant templates
gerdami wrote on 12 Sep 2009 06:11
While it said in the doc:pagesbytag-module that "This module is deprecated. Use the ListPages module with the tag and category selectors instead.", it is still used by page system:page-tags which should be redesigned as well.
Comments: 7
page revision: 2, last edited: 16 Sep 2009 17:30
Thanks for pointing this out. I'd also like to integrate Erich's file manager into some of the more complex templates to replace the hand-made 'Edit Other Pages' page. I'll do this next week unless someone beats me to it.
I had to have separate xy:page-tags for the
In action here:
Hey, an idea.
How about a tag, "_task" on threads like this, and a list of open tasks on the main page and/or sidebar?
OK, added basic task lists. Very simple. If anyone wants to embellish main:open-tasks, and tag any other pending task threads with "_task", go for it! Note that I'm keeping the site up to date in parallel with this one, any changes here go back into that and vice-versa.
You're a good housekeeper, Pieter, you deserve one more stripe!
OK, made some changes.
This brings the forum & forum-template into line with the other Iron Giant sites.
What we need IMO is a simple page manager, allowing tag navigation, direct edit, and eventually delete. Something like a mix between your theme manager on, and Erich's file manager.
Closing this task, here is the follow-up: