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Hey Kenneth, I removed the experimental/concept/ stuff from the module:_admin page. It's better that the documentation is all always stable, and that conceptual stuff happens elsewhere.
Thanks, that looks a lot neater. :-)
Kenneth Tsang (@jxeeno)
This doc gonna a be an English only website as I see how it is designed
I'm not sure, but what's clear is that whatever I write (representing the official voice of Wikidot) in terms of doc will be English, period. So how, when, where do we translate?
The lonely proposal for a multilingual documentation was made on the simple basis: category is used for language. There might be another solution, launch a call for better solutions.
In the meantime, I say: is not designed as a multilingual documentation, period.
@Gerdami: my first vision for the doc site was to make an evolution of the current doc category. There is always the danger of "version 2 syndrome" when we try to do too much at once, so I prefer to make changes in small discrete steps.
Mainly a new site is to allow improvements to the current English doc. For example, Kenneth's idea of a wish per documentation page, which I think is great - it captures a certain kind of discussion in a clean way.
A multilingual project needs IMO to work off a fairly stable basis. So I'd see this happening when the doc site has gone through a first complete build.
The Wikipedia solution is to build independent sites (for us, Clone + Translate).
The Google solution is live translation (sidebar widget).
What's the Wikidot solution? We don't have large non-English communities but this could be way to encourage that.
How feasible would it be to add babel capability to the doc site after it's been built?
Hence, do not create a new site. Keep enhancing the present one.
Do not compare with Wikipedia and its thousands of editors
It's not a solution, it's just a gadget which users find annoying at use. Those who rely on Google translate have it in their browser's toolbar.
ListPages parent="en:embed" tags="video,audio"
End of post for the moment
Forget the autonumbering with the babel model !
1st mockup :
It is really annoying of being unable to add comments to edits.
For those who disagree: please consider that:
I agree 100%. Was going to post that but didn't get around to doing it yet.
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
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Ooops. I put the latest editor CSS on the various expert sites but forgot this one. It's really quite painful to not have cross site includes.
Just to say that I really appreciate the work you're doing on the doc site, and I like the ideas, like adding a wish section. Next week I'll find some time to actually start writing content, and we can see how this integrates. I need to redesign the large documentation pages into pieces that can be linked together properly. E.g. we have a 'category selector' in many modules, it should be documented exactly once.
The wishes should be attached to doc pages (parenting) and have some state (_closed means done or canceled). Maybe you already did that.
Uhm, Gerdami, thanks to you to, I see your edits.
Ok. Adding the _closed tags now. Just a question, do i apply the wishes for the category "doc"?
Kenneth Tsang (@jxeeno)
Yes, I think so. Since the parent page can be anywhere, there is no conflict. You are autonumbering wishes, right?
You should take a look at the site and see how Gerdami has implemented multilanguage wikis. We need to not build structures that are untranslatable afterwards.
There may be, as Gerdami says, other ways to do multilingual sites. It is something we need to add into Wikidot at some stage anyhow.
@Kenneth, I've pasted the new ListPages doc into the site.
The use of sections makes it kind of difficult. I think we need to reduce this to one section. Examples and wishes can be separate. The first paragraph can always be the summary.
Done. :-)
Kenneth Tsang (@jxeeno)
:-) Nice.