scottplan wrote on 02 May 2010 16:24
It seems like data blocks appear inside <p> tags — right? Does it have to be that way? It would be really limiting for layout options.
I'd like to precede some data with an m-dash: —
Why can't I do this in my template with "— %%form_data{contact}%%"?
Instead, I get the dash, then the form data on a newline.
edit: I'm seeing this is documented:
- span/div (div for wiki and static)
class: form-value field-{name}
class': form-error (added to field while save when there is matching error)
So maybe I can customize this somehow. Where's the "undiv" command?
Scott, I don't know if this will work, but have you tried to set a static field value to an em-dash, then use that in your template? Something like this, perhaps?
"%%form_data{emdashvariable}%% %%form_data{contact}%%"
Ed has studied static fields, so maybe he will have some ideas about whether this might be workable.
I just added a emdash to my form and it gets rendered inside the <p> so I have no problem. But I used it without space after the emdash.
Had another go at it
tricky but t works
A - S I M P L E - P L A N by ARTiZEN a startingpoint for simple wikidot solutions.
Right now we cant parse block field without <p> element, it is coded in deep parts of ours parser. I wish to make it work like you says (some customized nodiv or noblock or block: no)
Bartłomiej Bąkowski @ Wikidot Inc.
';.;' TeRq (Write PM)
Sue, Steven, Bartłomiej — thanks!
I did try the static field at first, but I couldn't make it work. There are other combinations I haven't tried. I wanted to understand the structure better first.
I like Steven's alternatives. Something like that will work in this limited case.
The dialogue with Wikidot is really helpful. It helps to frame these (minor) issues in the context of the bigger picture.
For this instance, I updated Steven's approach and it works fine.
For instances where we'd like to have larger strings appear inline, this wouldn't work. But I can move on now. Thanks for the help.