Static Wiki Field Type
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Edited: 25 Mar 2010 19:34 by: (user deleted)
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Ed JohnsonEd Johnson wrote on 25 Mar 2010 20:08

I think a "staticwiki:" field type could be very useful. This was brought to light by leiger while testing a lengthy form I'm working on. My form is a questionnaire related to designing a Wikidot site. Some of the questions could really use further explanation/clarification, and using a static field for that would work nicely. However, if the static field supported wiki markup, I could enclose that extra text in a collapsible block, for example, to keep the form shorter and cleaner for those who don't need to see the extra help text when filling out the form. I would mainly use it as a "[?] More info" kind of link.

[edit] I just learned that collapsible blocks can be used inline (who knew besides James!?), so they can be used with the current static field type using the "proper" syntax trick. See the post below for details.

The pop-up hint text I suggested a few days ago could also be a way to help this use case, but my guess is others would find a staticwiki: field type useful for other things in a hurry.

Does this make sense or am I way off the mark?


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