Ed Johnson wrote on 22 Mar 2010 18:16
Feature request
I'd really like to see the hint text converted to an "onhover" event on the fields. This would allow us to use both default and hint text in our text fields. It would also be a nice benefit to other field types like radio buttons and checkboxes.
I would make it match the way the code works that's currently in place for hint text that pops up in the page options area when we hover over "edit", "file", etc. It would be best if it was assigned its own class to make it easier to style with CSS.
If this is not easy to change or there is concern over breaking existing forms, then I request adding a new property called "popuphint" or "onhover" or something else makes sense and will be easy to remember.
I don't mean to be a thorn in your side… but I prefer the way it is now rather than being a popup ;-) I'm all for having more control over how things are displayed in forms, but would prefer to keep the possibility to show hints how I currently show them, in addition to extra features such as popup hints.
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
Wikidot: Official Documentation | Wikidot Discord server | NEW: Wikiroo, backup tool (in development)
You're not being a thorn - that's why we discuss things! Let me restate my position:
How's that? There's no reason we both can't be happy! ;)
Community Admin
I'd welcome this. Sometimes I'd prefer that defaults not hide hints.
This is off topic, but after looking at your excellent comparison table I noticed one update you can make. TeRq straightened me out on how to use the match property without making the field effectively required.
See this thread.
I'm heading back to digest your research some more. Thanks for taking the time to do that!
Community Admin
"Or" in regex. I didn't know. Thanks for that.
Tables like that help me keep all the pieces straighter, especially if I have to come back to them later. I'm really glad you've taken the time read it through.
Currently the layout seems to put the hint text in a div that's independent of the form-value div (which creates the data-field box).
For example, when I create a static-type field with a value that extends beyond some other field's width, then all the hints extend to that (static) width too.
Seems like the hint text is located in form-value, but the box is located in form-text. Any way to make the former always fit the latter?
We will think about it when we start to upgrade data forms.
Bartłomiej Bąkowski @ Wikidot Inc.
';.;' TeRq (Write PM)
OK — back to hacking through the symptoms then.
Now I'm trying to hone in on restricting the width of that one div that contains the static-type field. This limits width for all form-value:
But is there a way to limit just this one form-value? This doesn't work
Another possibly workable hack would be to insert line-breaks in the field value — breaks that don't break the YAML form.
best tool for styling tests is Firebug addon for Firefox
Bartłomiej Bąkowski @ Wikidot Inc.
';.;' TeRq (Write PM)
Thanks for that. I had tried to locate those details with Firebug, but they weren't apparent to me.
Using the CSS module I can modify width for an individual field (.field-FIELD_NAME), but I haven't had any luck with modifying width for all static fields (.form-static). Not sure why.
Try adding !important to the end of your attribute (but before the semi-colon) and see if that helps.
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
Wikidot: Official Documentation | Wikidot Discord server | NEW: Wikiroo, backup tool (in development)
OK — tried that. No luck yet.
for all wiki type:
well we need to add container to static field with form-static class
Bartłomiej Bąkowski @ Wikidot Inc.
';.;' TeRq (Write PM)
When I create a page via data form, then come back & edit it, the css for .form-table .field-FIELD_NAME behaves. But it doesn't work in the initial edit:
I'm showing two static fields (both individually limited to 550px in a custom CSS module, located in the _template), flanking a wiki field. It's the static fields that make the hint text overflow.
Is there some reason why the _template's CSS module wouldn't apply during the first edit?
I think by "first edit" you mean when you're creating the page (which isn't actually an edit).
The page doesn't exist yet, so you can't use the CSS module to add CSS to it. If you add it to the site theme it should work for creating + for editing.
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
Wikidot: Official Documentation | Wikidot Discord server | NEW: Wikiroo, backup tool (in development)
That worked. Thanks Shane.