Static Fields
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Feedback from naive user
Edited: 26 Oct 2011 12:41 by: Sheepdog
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Recommended Documentation Changes
Edited: 25 Mar 2010 19:34 by: (user deleted)
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Which aspects of this design do people want first?
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'editable' property (all field types)
Edited: 24 Mar 2010 01:53 by: leiger
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Ed JohnsonEd Johnson wrote on 22 Mar 2010 18:06

The specific properties you can use on a static field:

Testing this I learned a few things.

The label property works and appears to be valid. The documentation should be updated to describe this.

The before and after properties sort of work. Before is displayed above the static text and after is displayed below the static text. This might be useful, but simply using another static field probably makes more sense since static fields can be styled and before and after cannot.

Basic inline styling seems to work fine as the example shows (bold, italic, strikethrough, etc.). I found that I could do some "fancier" styling by using [[span class="... ]] like this:

    type: static
    value: [[span class="myform-static-label"]]A Nicely Styled Header For My Form[[/span]]@<&nbsp;>@

The key to success was appending the @<&nbsp;>@ to the end of the line. Without that, the span method of formatting breaks.


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