rurwin wrote on 19 Mar 2010 10:56
This, or something very similar, could allow admins to write their own modules.
This page contains two code blocks. The first defines a function, the second contains a parametrised invocation of that function.
[[include code:really-cool-js/code/1]]
Site Manager
Replace | With |
[[really-cool | [[include code:really-cool-js/code/2 |
A Random Page
How's this for a [[really-cool how-cool=sub-zero]] feature.
But to be really useful, the source code should always show the original text. I think that conflicts with its use to correct BBcode and the like.
Yes, I agree with you completely on this. I had already mentioned that in my design, but it wasn't clear enough so I've edited it a bit to hopefully make things clearer.
Glad someone else likes the code replacement idea … the more popular it is, the more likely it is to be looked at as a possible feature by Wikidot.
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
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