Displaying the page title in the form
Steven Heynderickx wrote on 24 Feb 2010 13:55
I'd like to display the page title in the form rather than unhappily above it. How do I do this?
This is not a design! just a suggestion:
Could the text-field be extended with an attribute named "pagetitle"?
Or maybe better if the fieldname = pagetitle, the content of this field will replace the content of the real page-title on save.
label: Title of the page:
type: text
Comments: 9
page revision: 1, last edited: 24 Feb 2010 15:48
Page title will be a part of DataForm table, it's in development and will be ready this week.
Bartłomiej Bąkowski @ Wikidot Inc.
';.;' TeRq (Write PM)
Cool… I wonder how it will work? Can we set the label?
A - S I M P L E - P L A N by ARTiZEN a startingpoint for simple wikidot solutions.
You cant right now, it would be changed in future, with other visibility customizations.
Bartłomiej Bąkowski @ Wikidot Inc.
';.;' TeRq (Write PM)
Steven, prefixing your design proposals with "This is not a design!" does not help.
Please state your use case rather than writing technical proposals. Thanks for your help.
So the label will be "title of the page:"?
In my USE CASE this will look stupid. My user just clicked on a link to add a new art object and expects to give info on an art object, not info on a page. If it would read "Name of the object" this would make much more sense to him/her.
Since I asked for this change. I can say that I wished different functionality. This will make my user inerface not easier to understand.
A - S I M P L E - P L A N by ARTiZEN a startingpoint for simple wikidot solutions.
There'll be a suitable title, which we can improve later.
Now it will be named as "Title" more customization later…
Bartłomiej Bąkowski @ Wikidot Inc.
';.;' TeRq (Write PM)
That is better than the default "Title of the page" (which is separate to the form)
Much appreciated. Thanks.
Any idea when this will be pushed and able to be used?
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
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I'd like to see this implemented soon too. With a form I'm currently working on, it would be very helpful to be able to set the label text for the title field. My current workaround is to hide the title field with CSS and then create another text field prompting for the text. I'd prefer that text to be the page title, but the field label of "Title" doesn't fit well.
Community Admin