Select - PagePath extention?
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Feedback from naive user
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Displaying the page title in the form
Edited: 24 Feb 2010 15:48 by: pieterh
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Which aspects of this design do people want first?
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Attribute for page-title
Edited: 24 Feb 2010 13:56 by: Steven Heynderickx
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Steven HeynderickxSteven Heynderickx wrote on 24 Feb 2010 10:50

this is not a design! Just a question.

It would solve manually adjusting a form after new selection-options are added to a site via new pages that were created.

It would be like choosing only ONE level (by free choice) of the pagepath… yes maybe even the possibilty to add a new selection-item…

So I have two suggestions:

  1. altering the select-field
  2. altering the pagepath-field

1 Altering the select-field

The Select-field is designed as follows:

    label: Chose a color
    type: select
      1: Red
      2: Blue
      3: Green
      4: Black
      5: White

So at this moment the items need to be manualy entered. What if we could do the following?

    label: Chose a color
    type: select
    category: colors
    PARENT: PAGENAME  //beeing the root-level dept="1"

2 Altering the pagepath-field

Current design:

    type: pagepath
    category: sandbox-126-pagepath-location
    label: Location

Possible modification
    type: pagepath
    category: sandbox-126-pagepath-location
    label: Location
    PARENT: PAGENAME //beeing the root-level dept="1"

By adding the PARENT-attribute, the pagepath will know that it only needs to show ONE pulldown-selection-box.

As I see how fast the PagePath-generates this kind of information I see the possibilities…
Since it is not so far away from the functionallity of the Pagepath it should be very possible to integrate this I assume…

How about that?

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