Steven Heynderickx wrote on 03 Feb 2010 08:22
If you really want to make a category private so that only you as the creator of the page/site admin can view it, perhaps for notes of things to do on the site, then also delete the check in the site member column.
I think the interface is confusing there. if you uncheck all the boxes… it gave me the impression that no-one could see the page. I would find it more logical if there would be a remark or info saying that the owner and the admins would always be able to see that page… maybe a greyed-out checkbox… meaning this is checked and you can not uncheck this so relax you will always see the page you (owner) made.

from comment I made at
Thanks for this idea. We'll be collecting suggestions for improvements to this feature and make a new version some time soon.
If you don't check the view->site memeber… then there will be no create->site memeber.
If there is no create->site member to check… a site member can not create pages… wich makes personal private pages impossible… for uses as "myfav" or "mykempies"… or shoppingkarts
A - S I M P L E - P L A N by ARTiZEN a startingpoint for simple wikidot solutions.
Lets asume a member of a site creates a new category: page and insert content..
later an admin makes this page - and the category - private , meaning checks all boxes out - only for admins.
Has than the member - the creator - the right to see his own page - even he category is not permitted?
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You can do the test. The thing I tested was the following:
I wanted to create a category where people can store thing only they have acces to. You can imagine a section "my_something" like "myfavourites". I can imagine that the user (wich is a member of the site) thinks this is a page he/she can only access… so nobody else can see this.
So i unchecked all the options in the "view". As a result that member now can not create pages… so that did not work for this case.
A - S I M P L E - P L A N by ARTiZEN a startingpoint for simple wikidot solutions.
like page "user-xyz:my…thing" - before this category is made private?
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