leiger wrote on 14 Jan 2010 00:10
If a page in a private category doesn't exist, both the "this doesn't exist yet" and "this content is protected" messages appear.
The page does not (yet) exist.
The page private:test-page you want to access does not exist.
This content is protected
Sorry, this category is private and has restricted access.
Would it be better to only show one of these messages in this situation? Perhaps, hide the "This content is protected" message, because there isn't actually any content being protected if the page doesn't exist! ;-)
Yes, thanks. We'll fix this.
Should work better now.
So you've hidden the 'create page' link and associated text. Looks good :)
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
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There's a similar "double whammy" that seems unnecessary if you use links with /edit/true appended to the URL. In addition to the protected content message, the permissions error popup also appears. I think the protected content message is enough.
Community Admin