Why and how will it work
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Use case(s) for edit="false" attribute
Edited: 11 Jan 2010 00:06 by: leiger
Comments: 1
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Use case(s) for edit="false" attribute
Edited: 11 Jan 2010 00:06 by: leiger
Comments: 1

Steven HeynderickxSteven Heynderickx wrote on 11 Jan 2010 08:31

This is no criticism, I'm just wondering how it will work. This is what de description says

This module has the following functionality:

    * It shows the user's avatar
    * It allows the user to upload a new avatar

It shows the user's avatar
That could be cool… the module [[user xx]] get's extended with a picture. I can see that in a user-space-page when for example you wish to thank some person, or when you want to introduce yourself maybe.

It allows the user to upload a new avatar
That is the part where I don't see the use that you probably have in mind. Would this be an integration of this module in a user-space-page allowing him/her to change his/her avatar on for example on a page of some-else his/her site? Or is it only intended as a module you could integrate in the new profile-pages of a site.

Maybe some extra info on the use is needed. Is this by the way what you would call a Use-Case? Maybe some "possible" wikisytax of how it would be integrated in a page would do the trick. For example:

+++ Credits
I would like to thank @@[[module Avatar user="pieterh" size="46"]]@@
@@[[user pieterh]]@@ for all the support and help in creating my site.

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