ListValues module DRAFT version
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extendable data forms / repeatable fields
Edited: 13 Oct 2011 03:09 by: Ben Miller
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Order by last updated date of parent OR child
Edited: 14 Jan 2010 05:25 by: leiger
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Extra ordening mechanism
Edited: 09 Dec 2009 15:27 by: Steven Heynderickx
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String manipulation
Edited: 31 Dec 2009 08:00 by: gerdami
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Steven HeynderickxSteven Heynderickx wrote on 07 Jan 2010 21:23

The ListValues module would be a listing of unique values inside a bunch of pages. It can only be used in cooperation with forms and live templates, since they are well structured storingplaces for content.

A syntax for a form-case could be the following:

All the books in our database were written by the following authors:
[[module ListValues category="books" order="asc" field="author"]]

A syntax for a live template-case could be the following:

All the books in our database were written by the following authors:
[[module ListValues category="books" order="asc" content="3"]]

To make the selection of pages of wich to filter from the usual selectors like tags, category… apply

Since only the field or contentblock is of importance, ordering can only be done on this item and so it is restricted to be ascending or decending.

The indication of the field or contentblock that will be used can be done by the selector
field="naming a field from the form" OR
content="number" the number that corresponds with the block

well as you can see in the proposed syntax: a badly designed datacollection with repetitive content, that needs to be shown in a list. For example Books with for each book an author and wich I wish to list in a list of all the authors of the books I have in my datacollection.

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