Extra attribute for List-modules and includes
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extendable data forms / repeatable fields
Edited: 13 Oct 2011 03:09 by: Ben Miller
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String manipulation
Edited: 31 Dec 2009 08:00 by: gerdami
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Extra ordening mechanism
Edited: 09 Dec 2009 15:27 by: Steven Heynderickx
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Extending the user tag
Edited: 27 Dec 2009 13:17 by: pieterh
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Steven HeynderickxSteven Heynderickx wrote on 29 Dec 2009 11:28

Remember the difficulties with inline includes?
With the Listusers I found the same difficulty… Of course a LISTUSERSSSS is normaly a list and it would not make a lot of sense to render it as inline items… but if I use users="." I only get the current one… And I wish to use it inline.

I know I can solve this by doing

[[module listusers users="."]]
Dear %%title%%,

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 
Duis ante lorem, fringilla vel accumsan non, laoreet non 
nunc. Donec porta enim id lorem eleifend dapibus. 
Quisque nisi odio, dignissim sit amet Your profile:%%title_linked%% 
bibendum sit amet neque. Aenean porta faucibus tincidunt. 
Suspendisse et purus magna. Aliquam in erat turpis,

default attribute : display="block" wich renders a surrounding <p>
exceptional attribute : display="inline" no surrounding <p>

A new design extention for al List-modules?

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