Extending the [[user]] tag
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extendable data forms / repeatable fields
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Extra attribute for List-modules and includes
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Edited: 21 Dec 2009 16:21 by: gerdami
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leigerleiger wrote on 27 Dec 2009 07:45

Currently we have two forms of the "user" syntax:

[[user leiger]] which results in leiger

[[*user leiger]] which results in leigerleiger

Allow User IDs to be used as part of the syntax

This should be expanded to also work for User IDs. For example:

[[user 32953]] which currently results in 32953 does not match any existing user name and should instead show leiger

[[*user 32953]] which currently results in 32953 does not match any existing user name and should instead show leigerleiger

In this way, we could reference a user by using the code [[*user %%name%%]] (for the per-site profiles catetgory)

Provide a way to link back to the Wikidot pop-up profile

In a wiki that has Per-site profiles enabled, there should be a way to show the default Wikidot pop-up. For example:

[[user leiger type="wikidot|branding"]]

By default, type is set depending on whether per-site profiles are active. This can be overridden using the type attribute in a page's syntax.

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