Liveness Selector
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Listusers in profile:page
Edited: 30 Dec 2009 13:59 by: Steven Heynderickx
Comments: 5

Ed JohnsonEd Johnson wrote on 22 Dec 2009 13:12

Liveness selector:

  • 0 means all users (default)
  • "n" means selects only users who have been active in last "n" minutes

• LIVENESS (noun)

  1. the property of being animated; having animal life as distinguished from plant life

I wasn't sure "liveness" was a real word until I looked it up. :)

Pieter's 3rd rule of design: if it does not rapidly make sense to the typical target user, the design is wrong.

I don't think the design is wrong, I just don't like using syntax that's hard to remember. I'd propose calling this something more memorable like lastactivity or activeminutes or activitywithin. And to clarify, a zero value means all users who have had at least some kind of activity on this site like creating/editing a page or making a forum post. A zero value does not simply mean any site member, correct?

I can see where this would be a nice feature for things like a list of contributors (especially when applied to specific pages) or recent contributors to the site in general.


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