Gabrys wrote on 22 Dec 2009 12:49
Imagine we have inline includes, which we probably want. There's no way to escape the following line:
sample in-line include: [[include somepage]]
If I want to escape this, I need to do this:
\sample in-line include: [[include somepage]]
But, this renders this:
ample in-line include: included content from some-page
(where "included content from some-page" is the content of some-page).
Possible solution: use 2 character escaping, for example by making a space needed after \, so that escaping works like this:
\ sample in-line include: [[include somepage]]
For consistency, bold, italics, strike-through, … could also require space after them:
\b sample in-line include: [[include somepage]]
\s sample in-line include: [[include somepage]]
\u sample in-line include: [[include somepage]]
This even seems better to me, since it's more readable.
Nice solution, may be a little confusing for lines that have significant leading space, but that seems minor. OK, I'm adapting the design sketch.
since you will probably parse the line looking for the backslash, looking for the next space and interpreting the inbetween character, beeing b,s,u…
you could easely include something like a class name so it can get a custom css class assigned to it.
it would not need to be more difficult if you would not replace \b with <b> html but with <span class="b"> and .b{font-weight:600} in your default CSS-theme
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