Module exporting some symbols into its body and rendering it
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extendable data forms / repeatable fields
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Edited: 21 Dec 2009 16:21 by: gerdami
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Extra ordening mechanism
Edited: 09 Dec 2009 15:27 by: Steven Heynderickx
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Extra ordening mechanism
Edited: 09 Dec 2009 15:27 by: Steven Heynderickx
Comments: 1

GabrysGabrys wrote on 16 Dec 2009 16:58

First of all — I have no idea of proper name for this module.

The module have no parameters and renders the module's body replacing some symbols with certain values:

symbol value
%%user_id%% ID of the user currently logged in
%%user_title%% printed name of the user currently logged in


Application of %%user_id%%

%%user_id%% can be used to generate a link to current user profile page. Given profiles are stored in "profile" category, the code to do this can be:

[[module NameOfModule]]
Please [/profile:%%user_id%%/edit/true | edit your profile].

This can be put on welcome page for new members.

Application of %%user_title%%

[[module NameOfModule]]
Wherever you see [[*user %%user_title%%]] it's your "avatar" that people can click and see your recent contributions, forum postings, etc.

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