leiger wrote on 09 Dec 2009 08:24
I've just noticed that I have someone watching the site, but they are not a member and therefore do not have a site profile (only the default Wikidot profile)
Here's a question for discussion: Should people that contribute to the site, but are not members, have a profile?
I'm looking at this being an optional setting. My profile pages are intended primarily to do two things:
- Allow people to provide a description for themselves
- To list their contributions to the site ([[module ListPages created_by="."]])
That means that people who aren't members but have contributed don't have an auto-generated list of their contributions on the site.
The other question is: How hard is this from a development point of view? For members, you already have a list. For contributors (that might not necessarily be a member) I don't think such a list exists?