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Edited: 24 Dec 2009 00:09 by: leiger
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CSI Table of content
Edited: 02 Dec 2009 14:49 by: Steven Heynderickx
Comments: 3

Ss_Sins_InsightSs_Sins_Insight wrote on 04 Dec 2009 21:15

Ok, Im trying to make a forum that has multiple nested threads, three in total. So I want each thread to show (if it has any) its parents + their siblings, grandparents + their siblings, and great-grandparents + their siblings in collapsible listpages. To do this i decided to use CSI and live templates. As I copied the forum of lieger's nocomment concept, there are only sections and threads, which i am going to turn into level one threads and level two threads, respectfully, and add level three threads.

Edit: I realize the problem and the reality that this design is probably not going to work so im changing it to a less demanding one.

The problems are that I'm trying to include the parent's display of the section into its threads, but because of the specific CSI its not showing up on the section because its hidden and its not showing up correctly on the threads, the threads say:

Parent page "


" does not exist.

Start a new sub-thread

test (closed) By Ss_Sins_Insight 1 Comments 05 Dec 2009 02:20

Comments: 2

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