CSI Table of content
Steven Heynderickx wrote on 24 Nov 2009 16:16
Problem with [[toc]] is:
- default title = English, but can be altered using attribute "title="
- it's always open by default
Problem with CSS solved:
- no embed of CSS possible for now The [[module css]] makes embedding of CSS inside CSI possible. Thanks Wikidot!
This is the code of the CSI
[[module CSS]]
.foldedtoc #toc #toc-action-bar{display:none}
.foldedtoc #toc .title{display:none;border:0px solid black;}
.foldedtoc #toc {border:0px solid black;margin:0 0 0 -0,9em;background-color:#ddf;}
.foldedtoc .collapsible-block-link {text-decoration:none}
[[div class="foldedtoc" style="border:1px grey dashed;float:left;background-color:#ddf;margin:10px"]]
[[div style="margin:10px"]]
[[collapsible show="{$title_open}" hide="{$title_closed}"]]
To embed a folded TOC include this without "@ @"
@@[[include :mycsi:include:folded-toc
title_open=Open table of contents|
title_closed=Close Table of contents]]
You can adjust the titles off course!
Comments: 3
page revision: 7, last edited: 02 Dec 2009 14:49
This is a nice idea. To make it work properly we need the CSS module so that we can include custom styles in the CSI.
I am waiting… but maybe better… can I help?
A - S I M P L E - P L A N by ARTiZEN a startingpoint for simple wikidot solutions.
Well, collecting use cases is very helpful: if we can point to a bunch of packages that are waiting for a particular functionality, that helps us prioritize it.