Steven Heynderickx wrote on 21 Nov 2009 22:21
I would like to see a page selector: the idea is simple… if a _template is made for a certain category, you could look at the collection of pages as a table of a database. The columns are %%content{1}%%,%%content{2}%%,%%content{3}%%,… The rows are the pages. The cells are the content.
Fore some reasons I sometimes know what page I want, but I want only certain contents, not all of them, or I wish that they are displayed in a different way as is defined in the _template of that category.
Since the listpages module is the only module in wich I can do the same things as that I can do in a _template, I would like to be able to pick out one page. At the moment I use this methode, but I use the tag selector and every page gets a unique tag so I select them seperatly…
It's a bit strange to use a LISTpage to generate a page of only 1 line (page) But there is no "alernate layout module" or no "selectpage module" or no "[[include site/category:page:content{1}]] So I had to come up with something.
Maybe this has possibilities if you think about the different kinds of media… phones, Iphones minicomputers, regular computers… all the pages have the information but not all media are suited to handle all the info of one page… so we need a possibility to select different layouts for different media
Isn't this what the name selector does?
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