Allow logical combinations of selectors
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Multiple selector sets ordering
Edited: 24 Nov 2009 13:53 by: Steven Heynderickx
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Edited: 12 Nov 2009 12:57 by: pieterh
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Edited: 12 Nov 2009 12:57 by: pieterh
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scottplanscottplan wrote on 21 Nov 2009 15:42

ListPages' strength is in its ability to filter information: to focus on only those pages and that content that's relevant. So ListPages' "select" arguments are critical(category, date, tags, etc). Even so, it seems like ListPages' filtering is limited. I'm thinking I can't yet build a more sophisticated query that allows for a range of logical connectives (if, and, or, not…)

Some of these operators are possible, particularly within a single argument. For example, it's possible to list pages with tag1 AND tag2, or alternatively tag1 OR tag2.

But why not extend that flexibility across arguments? For example, I'm looking to create a list of pages created between one date and another, OR pages containing certain tags.

(%%created_at%%>{$startdate} AND %%created_at%%<{$enddate}) OR %tags%%={$CertainTag}

I think the above example gets at three requests:

  1. Allow for filtering within a date range with a specified start and end date (this isn't possible yet, is it?)
  2. Allow for parenthetic logical groupings.
  3. Allow for filters across more than one argument and joined by OR connectives rather than the default AND.

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