Steven Heynderickx wrote on 10 Nov 2009 15:34
Originally suggested by pieterh on 23 August 2009.
The Image module gives us control over the display of an image on the page. It replaces and deprecates the [[image]] syntax, which is irregular.
[[module Image //options...//]]
- source="source-specifier"
- target="target-specifier"
- frame="frame-specifier"
- title="title-specifier"
- caption="caption-specifier"
Source specifier:
- "filename" means an image attached to page
- ":first" means first image attached to page (this is the default)
- ":random" means random image attached to page
- "/another-page-name/filename" means an image attached to another page
- "/another-page-name/:first" means first image attached to another page
- "/another-page-name/:random" means random image attached to another page
- A URL (e.g. means an image on the web
- "flickr:photoid" means a Flickr photograph
- category:pagename:first
- :site:category:pagename:first - cross-site image include
Target specifier:
- By default, the target is the source
- "page-name" means a page on this wiki
- A URL means some other web page or resource
- none means that the image is not a link
Frame specifier:
- By default, image is unframed
- "border" means drawing a dark-grey border around the image
- "black" means drawing a thick black border around the image
- "picture" means framing the image using the picture module style
Title specifier:
- By default, image title is its name
- "text" provides a title that are placed above the image
Caption specifier:
- By default, image has no caption
- "text" provides a caption that are placed below the image
Image module | By scottplan | 2 Comments | 14 Nov 2009 18:31 |
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