Thank you Shane! I posted on the feedback site.
broxen - Do you want the mustache on or off?… too bad.
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Thank you Shane! I posted on the feedback site.
broxen - Do you want the mustache on or off?… too bad.
Hello broxen,
The designs section of this site was created more as a way of brainstorming ideas - there was never any actual commitment for Wikidot to add this functionality, it exists more as a list of ideas for them.
However, the new place for ideas (and bug reports) is the feedback site:
Regarding the ListUsers module, which you asked about, here is the current documentation:
Currently it only supports the "users" parameter. Variables that can be used in the module body are "number", "title" and "name".
Documentation for other modules can be found here:
And if you have any further questions, I strongly encourage you to ask them on the Wikidot Community site instead as you are likely to get a larger number of responses there :) —
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
Wikidot: Official Documentation | Wikidot Discord server | NEW: Wikiroo, backup tool (in development)
So, I've got an odd one. I'm the admin for a Roleplaying Group site, and need to create a calendar module for one of the worlds in our setting. I've generated the calendar into what looks like some Java, but don't know how to translate that into WikiSyntax.
I've included the code in the collapsible below incase anyone's got some ideas..
"Sometimes you can approach feedback with a scalpel, sometimes only the sledgehammer approach will make your point clear."
~ Zyn - Forum Crit Team Captain @ The SCP Foundation
I'm still learning my way around, currently combining DataForms and ListPages modules to try to link two sets of data together.
Got here while trying to find out if form_data{field} values can be passed by @URL
I would like to be able to use ListPages to help clients find records with missing data, so empty is helpful.
I can also see good reporting page applications for notempty - eg where a task completion date is available, listed by completion date, leaving out incomplete 'tasks' from the list.
Site Administrator and Media Officer :: Angel Gowns for Australian Angel Babies Inc. :: | |
And that would be Done as in Admin'd you. Not that you didn't notice but you are probably not hovering over my dorky site waiting on pins and needles :)
Done. I think I get it now but it's like me interpreting another language.
But when I look on the list of categories for adding autonumbering to, events isn't there
It only lists categories already existing, so you add it if it's not there.
Am I supposed to do something with the 'options' after adding autonumbering?
Why not temporarily promote me to an admin so I can take a look directly which I can't as a humble member.
Rob Elliott - Strathpeffer, Scotland - Wikidot first line support & community admin team.
Ok the instructions said to add autonumbering to the calendar which I did. But when I look on the list of categories for adding autonumbering to, events isn't there. I typed in 'events' to see if that would work. I also typed in 'event' in case it shouldn't be pluralized. Still doesn't work. Am I missing something? Do I need to build an event:_css thing like I did for the calendar? Remember, I am an idiot. Am I supposed to do something with the 'options' after adding autonumbering? Is that where I messed up?
As you made me a member of the site I've just checked this and agree with Ed, it appears autonumbering has not been set. I can't do it for you as I'm not an admin of the site. Let us know if this does or doesn't work.
Rob Elliott - Strathpeffer, Scotland - Wikidot first line support & community admin team.
My best guess is that you need to set up your events category to be autonumbered. You do that in your admin panel under Appearance and behaviour > Autonumbering of pages
I stumble my way through wiki syntax and css so I know it is something I've done wrong.
I can only add one event. I can place tags on it for the one event to show up on multiple days but every time I click on "add event" it takes me back to the original event. If I change that page it changes the original event. What did I do wrong?
Thank you!
I've done everything that said to do to add a calendar to my own wiki and it doesn't show up properly. It shows as a bunch of numbers. I'm using the mini calendar…
I want to reiterate what the Whip is saying. I am having the same problem. I need to get certain people off of certain pages because they are no longer involved. What can we do?
Did anything ever come of this? I have a situation now in which employees that are no longer with us are still watching some of the pages on our Employee Site and I need to remove them as watchers. In all cases I've revoked their access to the site yet they are still watching some pages. It seems to me that if I revoke someone as a member that it should automatically remove them as a watcher of all pages.
That is very unfortunate, I really would have liked a year view instead of having to put every month in the page separately.
"Evil never sleeps…"
Unfortunately, year view is now unsupported because it has incompatibilities with HTML table usage. Sorry.
Perhaps it will be possible in the future.
Hey there, great fan of your work.
In your post, you mention showing a calender year as full calender. Unfortunately I can't find a good example of this. The links you provided only show an example of this as a mini-calender. I have tried recreating that, thinking I could just edit the table dimensions to create a large one, but I'm not even successful in that area. I have also copied over the inc:year source and the inc:year-backend source, but my table is all screwed up. Could you give me any help with this?
My calender page is
Other pages are:
Since the backend page already shows the incorrect table, I figure that's where the problem starts. The rest are just includes. Does it have something to do with me using another theme maybe? I don't know…
Hoping you can help, thx :)
"Evil never sleeps…"
"Nothing is broken, I'm sure they'll figure it out…"
That's exactly the kind of thinking that gets people in trouble. Lawsuits have been decided on the basis of punctuation, for example. Here's a line from a contract that sparked a legal dispute:
"This agreement shall be effective from the date it is made and shall continue in
force for a period of five (5) years from the date it is made, and thereafter for
successive five (5) year terms, unless and until terminated by one year prior
notice by either party."
The rule of thumb is that if a prepositional phrase is set off by commas, it can be excluded from the sentence while retaining its essential meaning. The courts decided that it was acceptable for the agreement to be terminated after only one year, even though the contractee intended it to have a five-year minimum.
The en-dash is very useful for listing ranges. Take this example:
Tasks: 33—42 are still on hold.
Notice that this now uses an em-dash, which changes the meaning. Instead of saying "Tasks numbered between 33 and 42 are on hold", it says something like "there are 33 current tasks, but 42 others are on hold".
Why were en-dashes dropped over such a minor complaint? (Brunhilda: it's called "search and replace".) You also could have used -- for em and --- for en instead, like SmartyPants does.
Yes you seem to have got the idea.
Is there a separate name for the collection of pages thus created?
No there isn't. The resulting pages are still wikidot pages, it's just the way the information has been entered that is different from a standard wikipage.
Rob Elliott - Strathpeffer, Scotland - Wikidot first line support & community admin team.