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- About
- Announcements
- Marketplace
- NoComment forum (
- We need more authors!
- Contact
- Anti-spam tools
- Automatic code replacement
- Avatar Module
- Clone Module
- Code block parsing
- Consistent link grammar
- Consistent Tool Arguments
- Cross-site includes (CSI)
- CSS class added to document while editing
- CSS module for per-page styling
Data Forms
- Actual implementation?
- Additional field types
- Attribute for page-title
- Attribute for page-title
- consistent width
- CSIs should work with Data Forms
- CSS classes for forms
- CSS problems
- Data form 'required' property UI design
- Data Forms in [[include]]
- Date fields
- default property for wiki field
- Displaying the page title in the form
- 'editable' property (all field types)
- editor buttons for wiki-type-form-field
- Feedback from naive user
- Field name validation
- Field values depending on previous field
- Form Layout
- For testing purposes
- Hidden field - changes improvements
- Hint Text
- Implementation and possibilities of Data Forms
- line breaks in form fields
- Long term ideas
- Maintaining ctrl-S as form-save
- Page path improvements
- Property:hint
- Recommended Documentation Changes
- replicate the page-edit experience
- Revision comments
- Select - PagePath extention?
- Static Fields
- Static Wiki Field Type
- Styling a Form with CSS Module
- Test cases
- The "image" data type
- useful form data
- using form_data value for "Select" and "Order" of Listpage
- Which aspects of this design do people want first?
- why does %%form_data{variable}%% render in its own <p> block?
- wiki fields should support the same features as a page that doesn't use data forms
- Will this lead to a semantic wiki?
- Drive-by Sign-in & Registration
- Editor improvements
- [[html]] and [[embed]] unification
- HTML Block
- Image Module
- Improved User Experience for new Wikidot users
- InfoBox button
- Join Module
- Keyboard shortcuts
- ListFiles module (Files module Improvements)
- ListPages et al
ListPages Improvements
- Allow logical combinations of selectors
- %%created_by_id%% and %%updated_by_id%% to work with User Profiles
- Expansion of variables: %%breadcrumbs%%
- How about %%label{field-name}%%
- Integration of backlinks
- Integration of countpages
- List descendants
- Multiple selector sets ordering
- Order by %%_tags%%
- Order by Wilson Score Confidence Intervals
- order="children desc"
- Output separator text
- Page selector
- Selector empty, notempty
- tags="+"
- Variable %%children_created_by%%
ListUsers Module
- Contributors vs. Users
- current="true", examples
- Design sketch rebuilt from ground up
- Documentation needs minor adjustment
- Has work on this halted?
- Is Wikidot a dead project?
- Listusers in profile:page
- Liveness Selector
- Not working through Live Template
- Page Template with Profile
- This design is nonsense
- What about counting users????
- ListUsers Module (duplicate)
- Members Module Improvements
- Monetization options for pro sites.
- NewPage Module
- Non-Existing Page Template
- Notification configuration
- Page Metadata
- Parenthood Module
- Per-category feature: poll
- Permissions Module
- PerPage personal setting stored in cookie
Per-site profile pages
- Anonymous users
- Ask users to complete their profile removed
- [Bug report] "Enable site-specific user profiles for this site?" does not stay selected
- Bug Report - Page owner cannot rename files
- Default new page content
- Does modules work on profile pages?
- People that are not members of the site
- This feature suddenly stopped working?
- Previous discussions
- Private Categories
- Private Module
- Rate Module
- Safer site deletion
- settags command
- Simpler page delete
- Site Branding
- Spamhunter Game
- Standard List Header and Footer
- Standard Template Properties
- Strikethrough syntax
- Ten Core Principles
- The Default Page
- The Summon Command
- The Wikidot Data Model
- Universal escaping
- Usability proposals
- Using the Design category
- Watchers module
Whiteboard Area
- Error blocks - class standardization
- extendable data forms / repeatable fields
- Extending the [[user]] tag
- Extra attribute for List-modules and includes
- Extra ordening mechanism
- Ifdevice
- ifPage and ifUser
- ListValues module DRAFT version
- Module exporting some symbols into its body and rendering it
- Order by last updated date of parent OR child
- String manipulation
- Wikidot feeds
- Documents
- Important pages in this site
Iron Giant template sites project
- Albums Template
- book-project
- Changing format of project
- Clone module coming soon
- Copyright and sharing of site sources
- Corruption and harassment in Delhi schools & Direcorate of Education
- CSS changes for the tabview according to rainbow colors?
- Deprecated arguments and variables
- (using installer)
- Inviting memeber becomes difficult since there are so many
- iron giant tags
- Iron Giant Template Site Help - default-template-v2
- I've stripped down the editor in forum-template and forum
- Need for a new template status?
- New Join module
- Personal Sandbox Template
- please clone a default-template for me
- Please, make Gerdami multilingual site a template to be cloned
- scrollbar and order of threads in this forum
- - 2
- Theme associated to system: should be inherited from _default:
- tracker-template
- Two-tone Images
- Use of PagesByTag by in Iron Giant templates
- Using the file manage package
- Using the Iron Giant section of the forum
- why have you disabled the editor toolbar ?
- Wikified Forum does not work correctly
- Legal
- Open Tasks
- Packages
- Automatically Created Auxiliary Pages
- IE7/8 does not render rainbow themes used by Iron Giants
- Lighter menu on rainbow themes
- Midnight Minimalist not working as expected
- New front page
- rainbow, minimalist: support for navigators
- rainbow themes: horizontal scrollbar has appeared
- Rainbow themes: left side ?
- rainbow themes: not yet created pages
- rainbow themes: search box moved & simplified
- start:plain list - tags not working
- Theme selector in Iron Giant sites, good, bad, or horrid?
- attach file button on forum
- Black belt project
- Chinese Domains
- CSI Idea (maybe there should be a devoted section))
- CSI Module: Analog Clock
- CSI module tag indicator
- CSIs initial version live
- CSI Table of content
- Customer Service
- Developing a module for Wikidot
- Drop from notification subject
- Embeding "Panic Levels"
- Fix-up broken CSI references
- Format CSI
- Forum problem
- Hall of Fame
- Have My CV
- HaveMyCV theme
- How to apply for membership?
- How to comment on the forum site?
- I think a section in this forum should be a project
- Layout members and watcher identical please
- ListPages parent selector does not work?
- [[module CSS]]
- NewCategory annex _template
- - Email friendly page
- One-click file uploads
- Page manager project
- Patterns
- Picture test
- Progress tracker CSI
- Removing your site from Google? How?
- Search tips
- Started deploying CSIs
- The Power of Wikidot
- 186
- Twitter Cloud code to CSI
- * as 310's - BUG!
- "We Need" Graph
- Wiki Parser Thoughts
- Wikipedia article
- Wiki area
- Wikidot FAQ
Section | Last edit | open / closed |
21 Aug 2009 10:26 pieterh |
2 |
5 |
Wikidot design project
10 Nov 2009 15:53 GoVegan |
48 |
10 |
Iron Giant template sites project
10 Oct 2016 04:24 Joshua Darby |
36 |
6 |
10 Sep 2009 17:26 GoVegan |
16 |
1 |
External themes project
03 Dec 2009 02:34 Ss_Sins_Insight |
9 |
3 |
Wikidot packages project
10 Sep 2009 16:26 pieterh |
3 |
0 |
08 Mar 2011 18:27 North |
35 |
8 |